Saturday, September 26, 2009

can't do anything creative lately...


Hector the Crow said...

you could send me an email... it doesn't have to be creative

Hector the Crow said...

i like the "mary beth" character - i imagine she looks a bit like you

Hector the Crow said...

chow mang,

Hector the Crow said...

so, you too cool to blog now? or are you merely too cool for this blog? cause this blog's pretty cool - but i concede, there are cooler vistas beyond the horizon - could use some more custom artwork

chels said...

Of course I'm not too cool. Super busy working, but definitely not too cool. I started a random art blog over at I should post the stuff there on this one too, but my family reads that one, and I don't want them reading this one. >.< How are you? I need to email you. It's been way too long.